Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tom's space

Hi my name is Thomas,
I am also called Tom or Tommy by my lovely wife Veronica.
We have two children,
Akayshia 6 1/2 yrs.
Zyon 4 1/2 yrs.
We live in Calgary Canada.
I love to express myself through creative writing.
I hope I can impress you with my blogging


Friday, March 26, 2010

How the Secret works

Hey All,
Call me slow but I just came across the Secret, You know the one about the Law of attraction. It seems to be really cool.
According to its sources, you can and do attract any thing you think about, good or bad.
To further my research about "The Secret" I looked up material available at the library, and found tons of it. I have been absorbing the material like a sponge. I am currently reading a book titled " The science behind The Secret. It delves into the the exact science of how the secret is not an invention but rather a fact of life.
There is so much more our minds are able to accomplish then we actually utilize. We are apparently using less than 5% of what it is capable of doing.
Anyway here is a neat website that skims the surface of how the secret works.

"....what we are today is merely the results of our thoughts of the past. Therefore we can emphatically say as well " You are what you think".
This is one of the laws of the universe, just like the laws of gravity it exists, but unlike gravity, it is far less known.
Some have called it "Auto-suggestion" others "The law of Attraction". Call it what you wish, this law is obedient to to all our desires.
In essence, we attract the exact things we think about, be it good or bad. The law of attraction works every single time a thought comes to our mind...."

Check it out here